Dec 02 2007

Truly Free Credit Report

Published by at 10:30 pm under Money

One thing you’ll discover about me is that there is little I dislike more than false advertising. A few years back, I got suckered into the TV offers that were touting a free credit report with an actual credit score. All I got were lighter pockets and useless pages of data that didn’t include an actual credit score as offered. The good thing is, the party responsible for those ads was sued. The bad news is, it didn’t put them out of business.

Let me get to the point. There’s a place where you can actually get a truly free credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies once per year. Stretch it out and every four months you can have a report filled with useful data. There still isn’t an actual credit score, but it’s a step in the right direction. Someone should award them with the domain name another company has but doesn’t back up. Get all the info at:

Annual Credit Report

One response so far

One Response to “Truly Free Credit Report”

  1. Kennyon 03 Dec 2007 at 12:35 am

    There is another company that I have been using for the last few years that is actually pretty decent. And that is ***. The initial credit report is free, but the rest of the time it isn’t but it comes equipped with a credit score tracker! I thought that you would like that.

    Note by Autumn:

    *** That was the site I was talking about. They don’t deserve that domain name because they don’t back it up.

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