Jan 07 2008

What on Earth is going on?

Published by under WTF

I just saw people playing frisbee outside and playing in the grass while enjoying the 67 degree weather. It’s January 7. There’s something very wrong in the state of Indiana. For the record, I believe it’s colder in Iraq right now (unless Kenny tells me otherwise) and they’re pretty much all desert over there.

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Jan 07 2008

Random Thoughts: Seatbelts

Published by under Random Thoughts

So I was talking with Adrienne yesterday as I got in the car, and I spat out the following:

“I don’t know how people don’t wear seatbelts. If I’m not wearing a seatbelt, I feel like I’m going to die! Not die in a car accident, just literally fall over dead.”

Hilarity ensued.

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Jan 01 2008

Anti-Socialism (Not a commentary on the economic system)

Published by under Happiness

On my way home from work tonight, I watched as countless snow drifts floated by and snow devils swept around. I got to thinking about how quiet it is around here. This of course is ironic considering I live in a noisy apartment building on the bustling campus of Purdue. When I say quiet, I mean the kind of quiet that comes with feeling a yearning for community. Again, I find it ironic that I live in an ever changing city of 30 or 40 thousand students (during school sessions, of course) and yet it feels like nobody really knows anyone else. I think of all the people going to class, walking by each-other and not saying hello. Heck, I live in a building with 12 apartments and I couldn’t tell you the first name of anyone but the student manager.

It seems to be a societal thing, this voluntary solitude. With the proliferation of the internet and nearly instantaneous communication with nearly any corner of the globe (I can IM my buddy in Iraq as though he’s across the street from my cell-phone) it’s as though people have forgotten the need to nurture their local communities. I can’t say I’m not guilty, of course, but I wonder where it will all end? Will we get to a point where everyone’s minds are linked in some massive neural network and nobody needs to actually talk anymore? It seems like the only people we really communicate with are those we encounter on a daily basis anyway (coworkers, fellow students, church and club members, etc.) and the art of striking up a conversation with a total stranger is lost.

I feel like I should be going out to the coffee shop and making some new friends, but I’d probably just weird people out because I’m a stranger trying to strike up a conversation with them. That and the internet’s more entertaining; and have you seen the price of coffee these days?

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Dec 09 2007

7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making You Miserable

Published by under Happiness

I was going to bitch about all the diamond and jewelry commercials that happen this year until I stumbled upon this little gem. I don’t agree with everything said here, but I do think the outcome is worth reading the whole article. You’ll have to look past the seemingly overwhelming nefative tone of the article to catch the good stuff. Essentially it says that we aren’t happy because technology is enabling us, perhaps even forcing us, to be unhappy. I’m going to be re-reading this one for awhile to catch what I missed by skimming over it the first time.

7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making You Miserable

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Dec 02 2007

Truly Free Credit Report

Published by under Money

One thing you’ll discover about me is that there is little I dislike more than false advertising. A few years back, I got suckered into the TV offers that were touting a free credit report with an actual credit score. All I got were lighter pockets and useless pages of data that didn’t include an actual credit score as offered. The good thing is, the party responsible for those ads was sued. The bad news is, it didn’t put them out of business.

Let me get to the point. There’s a place where you can actually get a truly free credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies once per year. Stretch it out and every four months you can have a report filled with useful data. There still isn’t an actual credit score, but it’s a step in the right direction. Someone should award them with the domain name another company has but doesn’t back up. Get all the info at:

Annual Credit Report

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Nov 28 2007

Day 1, here I come!

Published by under Money

Well, the day has finally come! I have launched my own site devoted to my thoughts and information relevant to me and to life in general.

To kick it all off, I bring you a means to stop all those pesky credit card offers! You may not know this, but you can “opt out” of all future prescreened credit offers simply by filling out a simple online form and mailing a confirmation form. Give it a try! Everything’s at:

Opt-Out Prescreen Online

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