Jan 22 2008

Lyrics: Eiffel 65 – You Believe (Tu Credi)

Published by at 4:50 pm under Lyrics

Threats of the war are
Knocking at our door
It’s the coming horror picture
of heroes on the floor
The taller monster of hate
To smother our hope or love here
But I have faith because
I know that you believe

You believe that in this world
There is always a place for you

You believe there’ll be a tomorrow
And feel that this is true

You cry when you are happy
And smile when you are blue

And you never
Let your own faith
Take control of you

You believe that all the rules
Are the rules you write

The road to find the numbers of life
Means to gamble wrong and right

I feel that in my world
Far beyond what I can see
There’s a melody around me
Because you
Believe in me


You believe that in this world
There is always a place for you

You believe there’ll be a tomorrow
And feel that this is true

You cry when you are happy
And smile when you are blue

And you never
Let your own faith
Take control of you

You believe that all the rules
Are the rules you write

The road to find the numbers of life
Means to gamble wrong and right

I feel that in my world
Far beyond what I can see
There’s a melody around me
Because you
Believe in me

I feel that in my world
Far beyond what I can see
There’s a melody around me
Because you
Believe in me

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